Additional Services
What else we can do for you?
The Letting Partnership offers extra services to help you stay compliant and keep your business running smoothly.
Client Money Reconciliation
Collecting rents from tenants, paying landlords and safeguarding deposits is an essential part of everyday life in lettings. If you want the reassurance of knowing that your client money is being handled correctly or you’re having problems reconciling your client accounts to accounting records we can help. Our client accounting team will carry out a full reconciliation and report back discrepancies on ledger balances.
Protected Deposits Checks
Claims can be made by tenants for late deposit registration up to 6 years after they vacate the property. Our Protected Deposit Check covers all tenant deposits ever registered by you with any of the deposit protection schemes and identifies any that were registered ‘out of time’.
Data & Balance Transfers
If the thought of having to input all your client money balances is stopping you moving from your current software to a new package we can help. Our accounting team are experienced at carrying out balance transfers on the vast majority of letting software packages including CFP, Jupix, Qube, Reapit and Veco.
Why leave it to chance!
For any of our additional services contact us for a bespoke quote.